Fat Shark HD2 (HD v2) FPV Goggles - B2B Website ScreenshotFat Shark HD2 (HD v2) FPV Goggles - B2B Website Screenshot

Fat Shark have updated their B2B website to show the HD2 FPV Goggles (also known as HD v2) as “Discontinued”, this has comes as a surprise to some but not to the majority due to numerous complaints for the HD2’s. The new Dominator SE model has just been launched but does the departure of the HD2 model mark the imminent release of the Fat Shark HD3 (HD v3) goggles?

Fat Shark HD2 (HD v2) FPV Goggles - B2B Website Screenshot
Fat Shark HD2 (HD v2) FPV Goggles – B2B Website Screenshot

Despite listing as discontinued on the corporate site, the consumer-facing website still lists them as a current model, perhaps only to assist vendors which are still retailing the last of their shelf-stock.

Fat Shark HD2 (HD v2) FPV Goggles - Consumer Website Screenshot
Fat Shark HD2 (HD v2) FPV Goggles – Consumer Website Screenshot

Popular with FPV pilots, the Fat Shark brand has become the first choice when considering an FPV goggle purchase but their latest flagship HD2 model had not quite hit the mark with its consumers.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]”So I reached deep into my pockets and got those FatShark Dominator HD2 goggles. It’s definitely easier to fly than using my monitor..but.. my monitor is much sharper to look at, especially the OSD.” (Source: RCGroups)[/perfectpullquote]

Whilst the quality of the image is improved due to a higher native resolution, the HD2 goggles have been plagued with complaints of “blurry edges” which reduce readability of OSD (On Screen Displays).

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]”I just purchased the FatShark HD2 goggles and I am extremely disappointed. The image is very blurry to the point that the goggles are in my opinion, unusable! For instance, I am using an OSD and its nearly impossible to see both the speed and altitude ladders at the same time.” (Source: FPVLab)[/perfectpullquote]

The discontinuing of the HD v2’s sparks the theory that the Fat Shark HD v3 or Dominator SE models may be on their way, hopefully these models will improve the blur-issue as well as providing adjustable aspect ratio so that when the HDMI input is utilised, the image can be scaled accordingly.

UPDATE 10/08/2016: Fat Shark have confirmed that the SE model is indeed out and is available now but in limited supply. Also that the HD3 model is in progress and that the new HD v3 model will resolve many of the complaints raised by users, exciting stuff! This exciting new SE model is available to buy NOW on BangGood but in limited supply.

Photos of the new Fat Shark Dominator SE model with recently shared via Instagram and Facebook.


The Fat Shark HD2 Goggles are still available for purchase on BangGood but it is likely that stocks will soon dry-up and this model will disappear from the market. The Fat Shark Dominator V3’s had always been the leading seller from the range and no doubt will continue to be until a new model appears.

Remember, the new Dominator SE model is in limited supply.